Need a psalm setting for an upcoming Sunday. This table below lists various musical settings available. Most settings are adaptable for liturgical use, and it is my hope that others will find them adaptable for their use. Many are based on the selected refrain and verses as they appear in the Lectionary. Therefore, for a given psalm, there may be multiple settings with different antiphons, as they appear in the Lectionary.
Sheet Music:
Recorded Versions:
Videos of my psalm settings are on a playlist on my You Tube channel. Click here.
My three recordings are are available for digital download and on-line listening:
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Sheet Music:
Sheet music is available for all settings. Direct downloads of some of the settings are being posted at my web site: Download Page. For settings not on the Download Page, order from Wood Harbor Music.
Recorded Versions:
Many of the settings have been recorded and are available in audio or video. Follow the link to the page for each psalm setting for availability.
Videos of my psalm settings are on a playlist on my You Tube channel. Click here.
My three recordings are are available for digital download and on-line listening:
- Praise for the New Dawn is available for digital download at CD Baby. Listen on YouTube or at Spotify.
- How Long, O God is available for digital download at CD Baby. Listen on YouTube or at Spotify.
- You Are My Inheritance is also available for digital download at CD Baby. List on YouTube.
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Index of Psalm Settings:
Performance Notes
“You are my inheritance, O
Lord.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“I love you, Lord, my
strength.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with unison
R. J. F. Burckardt
"The precepts of the
Lord give joy to the heart." (repeat)
Cantor for verses with SATB
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
"Your words, Lord, are
spirit and life." (repeat)
Cantor for verses with SATB
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
"Lord, you have
the words of everlasting life." (repeat)
Cantor for verses with SATB
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“My God, my God, why have
you abandoned me?”
Cantor for verses with SATB
choral refrain
CD: How
Long, O God
Kevin O’Brien & R. J. F. Burckardt
“The Lord is my shepherd;
nothing shall I want. Fresh and green
are the meadows where God leads me”
Cantor for verses with SAT
choral refrain
CD: How
Long, O God
R. J. F. Burckardt
“To you, O Lord, I lift my
soul.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Your way, O Lord, are love
and truth to those who keep your covenant.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
“Teach me your ways, O
Lord, my God.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
In You, I Place My Trust
“In you, O Lord, I place my
trust for you will not put me to shame.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“The Lord I my light and my
salvation. Whom should I fear? Whom
should I fear?
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Give glory; give glory and
praises to the Lord.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain. 2nd cantor for
synopsis and SAA schola for benediction
R. J. F. Burckardt
“I will praise you, Lord,
for you have rescued me.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Father, into your hands, I
commend my spirit.”
Bass cantor for verses with
SATB choral refrain.
A capella
with optional cello
R. J. F. Burckardt
& Jason Villarreal Frias |
“Lord, forgive me the wrong
I have done. O Lord, forgive me.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“I turn to you, Lord, in
times of trouble, and you fill me with joy of salvation.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Blessed Are the People
“Blessed are the people
that the Lord has chosen to be his own.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Taste and see the goodness
of the Lord.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses; unison
refrain with descant
R. J. F. Burckardt
May God Bless Us
“May God bless us in his
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
I Will Sing of Your
“I will sign of your salvation.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Let Us See Your Kindness
“Let us see your kindness, and
grant us your salvation.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“In every age, O Lord, you
have been our refuge. You have been
our God.”
Cantor for verses; SAT
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Give the Lord Glory and
“Give the Lord glory and
honor.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Sing to the Lord a new
song for God has done marvelous deeds.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“All the ends of the earth
have seen the saving pow’r of God.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
“The Lord has come to rule
the earth with justice.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
“The Lord has revealed to
the nations his saving power.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
The Lord is Kind and
“The Lord is kind and
merciful.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Praise, oh praise the
Lord, who lifts up the poor.”
Cantor for verses with SATB
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
(SATB arrangement by R. J.
I Will Walk Before the Lord
“I will walk before the
Lord, in the land of the living.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
The Lord Has Done Great
“The Lord has done great
things for us. We are filled with
Cantor for verses with
choral refrains
R. J. F. Burckardt
arrangement by R. J. Clark)
May the Lord Bless Us
“May the Lord bless us all
the days of our lives.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
With the Lord
“With the Lord, there is
mercy and fullness of redemption.”
Cantor for verses with unison
R. J. F. Burckardt
“In you, O Lord, I have
found my peace.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses; SAT
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Let My Tongue Be Silenced
“Let my tongue be silenced,
if ever I forget you.”
Cantor for verses; SATB
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt (with Jacklyn
In the Sight of the Angels
“In the sight of the
angels, I will sing your praises. In
the sight of the angels, I will praise you, Lord.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt (with Rosie
I Will Praise Your Name
“I will praise your name my
king and God. I will praise your name
forever.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
The Lord is Near
“The Lord is near to all
who call upon him.”
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Who Heals the Broken
“O praise the Lord who
hears the broken hearted.” (repeat)
Cantor for verses; SAT
choral refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
Praise God with a Full
“Alleluia, alleluia,
Cantor for verses with
unison refrain
R. J. F. Burckardt
“Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.”
Cantor for verses; SATB
choral refrain
Great resource!